Starship Dear READERS ♥ Welcome to my blog ♥.~
 silent readers
20170721 • 18:55 • 0 comments


Dah lama betul aku tak update blog ni.  tapi ntah tibatiba aku nak update lak blog aku ni.  rasa macam nak luah apa yang terbuku dalam hati ni.

Everyone is sinner kan?  Tapi siapa yang nak berubah mst kalau boleh taknak balik to the bad old self kan?

Tapi aku sangat bersyukur sbb Allah masih memilih aku untuk ingat pada Dia 22:78.

Banyak nak aku citer pengalaman hidup aku.  Tapi stay tunee k inshaAllah i ll update more.

Ingat! baca ni utk diambilkan pengajaran.  jangan judge k

Jom saling nasihat - menasihati !
20141115 • 16:03 • 0 comments

Assalammualaikum wbt..

Dalam Islam, jika kita melihat seseorang melakukan maksiat, wajib untuk kita menegurnya walaupun kita masih melakukan dosa kerana setiap Muslim itu adalah pendakwah. Kita juga bukannya maksum seperti Rasulullah SAW. Setiap manusia pernah melakukan kesilapan. Kenapa mahu diungkit sejarah hitam seseorang yang sudah insaf? Dia memberi nasihat mungkin kerana tidak mahu kesilapan tersebut diulangi insan lain. Dan tidak perlu tunggu jadi ustaz atau ustazah baru hendak memberi nasihat ..


"Sesungguhnya apabila aku menasihati kamu, bukanlah bererti akulah yang terbaik dalam kalangan kamu, bukan juga yang paling soleh dalam kalangan kamu, kerana aku juga pernah melampaui batas untuk diri sendiri. Seandainya seseorang itu hanya dapat menyampaikan dakwah apabila dia sempurna, nescaya tidak akan ada pendakwah. Maka sedikitlah orang yang memberi peringatan” . (Imam Hasan Al-Basri) 

Tetapi bila da nasihat tu, jgn pula kita yang terbalik ..tak buat perkara makruf tpi buat mungkar pula.. Jgn bgitu ya ~

Firman dri Allah SWT:

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mengapakah kamu mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak kamu kerjakan? Amat besar kebencian di sisi Allah bahawa kamu mengatakan apa-apa yang tidak kamu kerjakan" (Surah As-Saff 61 : 2-3)

 P/S Pesanan ini pon utk peringatan diri ini juga.. im not perfect..

Jangan Berputus Asa
20141114 • 05:40 • 0 comments

Assalammualaikum dan selamat pagi ya ukhti...

Ha.. bila cakap nak berubah jangan takut jgn gusar..
Bilamana hati ini rasa nak berubah , berubahla.. InsyaAllah Allah SWT akan terima taubat mu dan mengampunkan dosa-dosa mu.. kerana Allah itu Maha Pengampun..

Takpe..start dari awal. pki tudung biar tutup dada tu..sebab dada tu aurat. bukan rambut je tau?

ni hah Firman Allah SWT tentang aurat :

 Lepas tu lengan..pastikan pakaian tu tutup lengan tidak ketat dan tidak jarang..

And.. Selalu org lupa ni.. sarung kaki.. kaki tu pun aurat.. jadi pakailah stokin asalkan tidak jarang :)

Semoga amalkan dan istiqamah!

Sabar Wahai Hati
20141113 • 12:21 • 0 comments

Assalammualaikum wbt..
Apakhabar pembaca hari ini? I hope you guys are fine Alhamdulillah..

Today im writing my post at library.. Actually i have many things to do but idk which one to start first. But i prefer to write here..

Bila bce title 'Sabar Wahai Hati' mesti org tertanya tanya kan?
Sebenarnya title ini special tuk org - org yg tertentu iaitu org yg ditarbiah dan mentarbiah..
Ya, mmg ujian byk yg kita hadapi sekarang ini termasuklah ujian dunia yang tak seberapa yang kita asyik duduk memikirkannya..

Hati ini sebenarnya memerlukan ketenangan..Ketenangan itu boleh diperoleh dengan apa?
semestinya dengan mendekatkan diri kita kepada Allah SWT..

Sabarlah wahai hati-hati yang mengalami semua ini, insyaAllah.. jadikan semua pancaroba,dugaan sebagai penghapus dosa..

Niat untuk siapa kita lakukan ini? Siapa lagi kalau bukan kerana pencipta kita? Allah SWT..

Semoga Allah Redha..

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Cuba yang terbaik..
20141112 • 13:35 • 0 comments

Assalammualaikum.. today saya ad kelas molecular nutrition..

Hmm agak oklah blajar pasal Folate kan??

Btw saya bukan nak ckp pasal Molecular ni..

Pada hari ini saya try nak buang semua post saya yg sebelum ini sbyk 200 post! ada yg perlu di edit bha kan..

Post sebelum ni byk yang mengandungi perkara yang tak sesuai utk dipaparkan.jadi..JOM DELETE & UBAH ! Cuba yang terbaik!

20141023 • 12:56 • 0 comments

Assalammualaikum to readers..
Its been long time i didn't post something here..
I think its been 1 years and half?
Life can be change..sometimes.

Perkara yang berlaku ini tidak dijangka berlaku.
Alhamdulillah dengan berkat kurnia-Nya I still live until now. Able to breath and lives.
Now I'm studying at UMS - University Of Malaysia Sabah . I'm taking Food Science & Nutrition.

What makes me really grateful and bersyukur sangat-sangat apabila datang sambung belajar disini bila bertemu dgn sang murabbi, usrahmate dan sebagainya..
Di Tarbiyyah, bersama bulatan gembira adalah sgt manis..

Betapa hati ini.. Ya Allah tak terkata.. Hanya Allah SWT je yang tahu...
Ya,semua orang buat salah dan silap.. Jahil dan sebagainya..
Tetapi kalau Allah dah nak bgi hidayah,Dia yang tetapkan...
Walau banyak kali pun Murabbi tu cuba nak tarik Mad'u/ Mutarabbi ,kalau Allah tak bgi mmg taknya..
Firman Allah SWT:

“Sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan dapat memberi petunjuk kepada orang yang kamu kasihi, tetapi Allahlah memberi petunjuk kepada orang yang dikehendaki-Nya, dan Allah lebih mengetahui orang2 yang mahu menerima petunjuk.” (QS Al Qashash: 56).
InsyaAllah bila ada masa saya nak kongsikan sedikit pengalaman di tarbiah..

Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca..

i really want to write a novel
20120311 • 00:28 • 0 comments

do you ever think to make a novel about yourself?
actually since i was child i really want to write a novel about me , my family 
and life as me..
but the thing is, i'm really busy and don't have any laptop that belongs to me..
if i got i-pad, 
everyday and every night i ll write it.
i hope i can do it in the future :)
so i can share with you LIFE AS ME

i love my brother
20111210 • 02:45 • 0 comments

 i love my brother 
this is because he keep supporting me and take care of me.
if i have any problem , i ll ask for his advice 
he always said that ,
and also APPRECIATE what we got , ALL HAPPEN are ALLAH's wills
im glad that i have such brother :)
and to the viewer , be glad that u have brother

this is my brother :)

you afraid of me ? =.=
• 02:37 • 0 comments

the reason you shouldnt afraid to me :

  • im small
  • im weak person
  • im not the type who always angry
  • i dont like to be an enemy to anybody
  • you re the one who i scare of. 

wish you were here, beside me
20111206 • 21:56 • 0 comments

i always pray that you will beside me and take care of me
but it is IMPOSSIBLE.

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20111204 • 23:37 • 0 comments

smile in face , but in heart full of sadness , suffering and regretful

i need someone
• 23:31 • 0 comments

yeah , when i post this " i need someone "
u must think that i need someone who is special rite ?
yeah of course ,
but i want someone that love and care of me
im not talking about boyfriend..
actually i want friends who can take care of me , love me and make me happy.
who also can hug me , and make me forget all the sadness and bring happiness.
i hope i can get someone who can make me happy :)

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this is the way i am -,-
• 11:07 • 0 comments

yeah actually there is alot of words that i want to say out of my silence 
but , i cant.

that happen to me too , pretend normal like you re nobody.

yeah ofcourse ! i like getting message you
but sometimes i hate it the way you message me
so SHORT . 

its like SPM , i forget what i learned , especially PHYSICS and BIOLOGY -,-

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20111201 • 21:24 • 0 comments

today , 1 Dec , i watched puss in boots at KLCC (TGV cinema)
this movie quite funny!
especially when the cat say ouhhh *
if u watch u can understand what im talking about . 
this movie is suitable for kids .LOL
mybe next week i ll watch twilight saga part 1.

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im free !! ♥
20111130 • 21:18 • 0 comments

yeah ! today is the last day im doing my exam ,(biology paper) SPM!!!!!!!
now its time to enjoy !!!
tomorrow i ll hang out with my sister
and this friday i need to give back our form5 textbook !>.<
im feel lazy.. LOL
then hang out with my friend ! 
mybe at Pavi or TS X)

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never give up !
20111127 • 08:07 • 0 comments

yeah ,when you feel down or feel sad or do something mistake , dont ever give up or regret !
just stand up ! and learn from your past! :)

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• 08:05 • 0 comments

yeah that's right.

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i like blogger than facebook ♥
• 02:29 • 0 comments

i prefer blogger than facebook
and what about you? :)

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cute doodles
• 02:18 • 0 comments

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fever and fever =.=
20111126 • 17:16 • 0 comments

first week i had my exam i got fever,stomachache,vomit and more !
and now , i got fever again ! 
im gonna take Chemistry and Biology paper this tuesday and wednesday.
why did this happen to me?
why i had this bad luck for SPM exam?

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SPM candidate and almost finish !
20111125 • 07:21 • 0 comments

actually i'm SPM candidate for this year !
i forget to tell you about it..
im busy with school recently.
OMO ! 
like a hell i answered it
SO HARD , especially additional mathematics and physic.
now im waiting for CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY paper!
i hope i can get successful mark in SPM >.<
wish for me okay everyone !

p/s:dont ever think that SPM is a simple thing,it is actually for future planning . okay,.im really really regret now ,because im not studying like the others like the

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• 05:54 • 0 comments

Rice is just an everyday fact of life for me. I can’t imagine NOT eating it with a meal.
unless  we talk about a noodle or other food. haha


colors in korean
• 05:30 • 0 comments


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i wonder . .
20111124 • 21:53 • 0 comments

sometime i wonder what  i would be in the future ?
will i be the human like above?
emm , i dont know.
its God's hand.

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duct tape
• 20:04 • 0 comments

unfortunately ,duct tape is powerless to fix my exam 's mark >.<

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20111120 • 09:04 • 0 comments

happen to me , not a second i go interweb

the 2,3 and 5 is the right for me.. haha

emm , i think 30 minute ago ? -,-

emm , no comment...

you never know what is means right ? haha . 

pocky my favourite choc ! >.<

It’s too easy to just suffocate under all the stress. 

smile for this nonsense.

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love love is love
• 08:42 • 0 comments

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Assalammualaikum , welcome to my blog! my name is Aliah or call me Lee Ya!Dont shy to read my blog. you re welcome to read it !♥